Today is friday,yes i know that but i will just like to digress today from the norm am talking about the Friday dose...grinning... well, reason is because of the level of persecution i have faced in the quest to grow out my natural non chemicalised hair through the process of transitioning. No one is against the process of transitioning but they are against the fact that i want to grow out my natural hair at my age and in this hair stylist even made a snide comment that do i want to end up walking on the street like a mad person(because of the kinky hair nature of major african people). Although some people words got to me but i don't mind..because i want to see my natural hair.I started retouching as a child so i dont know if my God given hair is curly or kinky...I am curious biko lol....
Recently,i cut out the relaxed front part of my hair (lack of patience lol) i just wanted to see how the transitioning process was going.I did this with full consciousness so people comment didn't matter when they started casting me all over again until some one passed a piercing comment 'ronke what will you do with your hair if you are to get married in 5months time? So your hair wont be on fleek?' Choi i started thinking about my life lol so i did a little research and i realised how beautiful a natural hair bride can be..
Up burn is beautiful for a simple and classy bride trust me especially if you plan using a tiara on that special day. If your hair is long enough to do the magic bun, go ahead but if not fix in a crochet attachment (crotchet attachments comes in different types get a natural hair saloon to help you out) it will help you achieve the bun in the second picture.This will save you from thinking about getting Peruvian hair and the likes lol (cutting down on wedding expenses )
This is a reception picture of a bride and her groom. Please tell me why u can't rock your Natural afro if your hair is the kinky type.
Isn't she lovely? Not every time cambodian hair.
People make others who have unrelaxed hair feel like natural hair is for over religious people this is not true. For me, i just think it's about time i save my hair and head from chemicals and heat (now its all about coconut oil). These bridal hairstyles were achieved using various types of crotchet attachment and kinky attachment, just endavour to pick what goes with the texure of your hair. Mehn!! I am going all the way no more looking back or thinking twice please help me tell my hair stylist to stop making me feel like i can never be on fleek with what i am trying to do with my hair ..laughing.. I am going all the way plewzzzzzz (in falzthebahdguy's voice.